Thursday, October 7, 2021

September 11th essay

September 11th essay

september 11th essay

Lee Cowan reflects on the victims, heroes, and survivors of September 11th, 20 years later In a reporter's essay, “CBS Sunday Morning's” Lee Cowan reflects of sacrifice, and on the victims The September 11 attacks, also commonly referred to as 9/11, were a series of four coordinated terrorist attacks by the militant Islamist terrorist group al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 11, On that morning, four commercial airliners traveling from the northeastern U.S. to California were hijacked mid-flight by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists Sep 11,  · The September 11th Attack on the Pentagon Feel free to share your thoughts on this horrific event or send additional web links to.. Within 30 minutes of two planes hitting the World Trade Center twin towers, American Airlines Flight 77 departed

Essay: The Son of a First Responder Reflects on September 11th

On that morning, four commercial airliners traveling from the northeastern U. to California were hijacked mid-flight by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists. The hijackers were organized into three groups of five hijackers and one group of four. Each group had one hijacker who had received flight training and took over control of the aircraft.

Their explicit goal was to crash each plane into a prominent American building, causing mass casualties and partial or complete destruction of the targeted buildings. The first plane to hit its target was American Airlines Flight It was flown into the North Tower of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan at am. Seventeen minutes later at am, the World Trade Center's South Tower was hit by United Airlines Flight Both story towers collapsed within an hour and forty-two minutes, leading to the collapse of the other World Trade Center structures including 7 World Trade Centerseptember 11th essay, and significantly damaging surrounding buildings.

A third flight, American Airlines Flight 77flown from Dulles International Airportwas hijacked over Ohio. At am, it crashed september 11th essay the west side of the Pentagon the headquarters of the American military in Arlington County, Virginiacausing a partial collapse of the building's side, september 11th essay. The fourth, and final flight, United Airlines Flight 93was flown in the direction of Washington, D. The plane's passengers attempted to regain control of the aircraft away from the hijackers and ultimately diverted the flight from its intended target; it crashed into a field near Shanksville, September 11th essay at am.

Investigators determined that Flight 93's target was either the U. Capitol or the White House. In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, suspicion quickly fell onto al-Qaeda. The United States government under the George W.

Bush administration formally responded by launching the War on Terror and invading Afghanistan to depose the Talibanwhich had not complied with U. demands to expel al-Qaeda from Afghanistan and extradite al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Bin Laden fled to the White Mountains where he came under attack by U. support of Israelthe presence of U. troops in Saudi Arabiaseptember 11th essay, and sanctions against Iraq as motives. After evading capture for almost a decadeseptember 11th essay, bin Laden was located in a hideout in AbbottabadPakistan and subsequently killed by the U.

military on May 2, The destruction of the World Trade Center and nearby infrastructure seriously harmed the economy of New York City and created a global economic recession, september 11th essay. Many countries strengthened their anti-terrorism legislation and expanded the september 11th essay of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to prevent terrorist attacks.

The U. and Canadian civilian airspaces were closed until September 13, while Wall Street trading was closed until September Many closings, evacuations, and cancellations followed, out of respect or fear of further attacks. Cleanup of the World Trade Center site took eight months and was completed in Maywhile the Pentagon was repaired within a year. Design of a replacement World Trade Center complex took several years because of the many stakeholders involved.

Work on the new iconic building for the site, One World Trade Centerbegan in Novemberand opened in November after several construction delays. The origins of al-Qaeda can be traced to when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.

Osama bin Laden traveled to the central Asian country [14] to volunteer, viewing the war as a holy cause to help fellow Muslims in Afghanistan defeat Communist invaders the Soviets, september 11th essay. Inseptember 11th essay, bin Laden issued his first fatwācalling for American soldiers to leave Saudi Arabia. Muslim legal scholars "have throughout Islamic history unanimously agreed that the jihad is an individual duty if the enemy destroys the Muslim countries", according to bin Laden.

Bin Laden orchestrated the attacks. He initially denied involvement, september 11th essay later recanted his false statements. forces recovered a videotape from a destroyed house in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. In the video, september 11th essay, bin Laden is seen talking to Khaled al-Harbi and admits foreknowledge of the attacks.

In the video, he said:. It has become clear that the West in general and America in particular have an unspeakable hatred for Islam.

It is the hatred of crusaders. Terrorism against America deserves to be praised because it was a response to injustice, aimed at forcing America to stop its support for Israel, which kills our people. We say that the end of the United States is imminent, whether Bin Laden or his followers are alive or dead, for the awakening of the Muslim ummah [sic] nation has occurred.

It is important to hit the economy of the United Stateswhich is the base of its military power If the economy is hit they will become reoccupied. but he stopped short of admitting responsibility for the attacks. Shortly before the September 11th essay. presidential election inbin Laden used a taped statement to publicly acknowledge al-Qaeda's involvement in the attacks on the United States.

He admitted his direct link to the attacks and said they were carried out because we are free and want to regain freedom for our nation.

As you undermine our security, we undermine yours. Bin Laden said he had personally directed his followers to attack september 11th essay World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzaniaand Nairobi, Kenya. President Barack September 11th essay announced that bin Laden was killed by American special forces september 11th essay his compound in AbbottabadPakistan, on May 1, Journalist Yosri Fouda of the Arabic television channel Al Jazeera reported that in AprilKhalid Sheikh Mohammed admitted his involvement in the attacks, along with Ramzi bin al-Shibh.

foreign policy favoring Israel". Mohammed was arrested on March 1,in RawalpindiPakistan, by September 11th essay security officials working with the CIA. He was then held at multiple CIA secret prisons september 11th essay Guantanamo Bay where he was interrogated and tortured with methods including waterboarding.

A letter presented by the lawyers of Khaled Sheikh Mohammed in the U. James Kreindler, one of the lawyers for the victims, raised question over the usefulness of Mohammed.

In "Substitution for Testimony of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed" from the trial of Zacarias Moussaouifive people are identified as having been completely aware of the operation's details. They are bin Laden; Khalid Sheikh Mohammed; Ramzi bin al-Shibh; Abu Turab al-Urduni ; and Mohammed Atef. At the same time, another 17 al-Qaeda members were sentenced to penalties of between 6 and 11 years. Also in Moussaoui, who some originally suspected might have been the assigned twentieth hijacker, was convicted for the lesser role of conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism and air piracy.

He was sentenced to life in prison without september 11th essay in the United States, september 11th essay. He was released in October and deported to Morocco.

Osama bin Laden's declaration of a holy war against the United States, and a fatwā signed by bin Laden and others, calling for the killing of Americans, [19] are seen by investigators as evidence of his motivation. In bin Laden's November "Letter to America", he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include:.

After the attacks, bin Laden and al-Zawahiri released additional videotapes and audio recordings, some of which repeated those reasons for the attacks. Two particularly important publications were bin Laden's "Letter to America" [54] and a videotape by bin Laden. Bin Laden interpreted Muhammad as having banned the "permanent presence of infidels in Arabia". Inal-Qaeda wrote "for over seven years the United States has been occupying the lands of Islam in the holiest of places, the Arabian Peninsula, plundering its riches, dictating to its rulers, humiliating its people, terrorizing its neighbors, and turning its bases in the Peninsula into a spearhead through which to fight the neighboring Muslim peoples.

In a December interview, bin Laden said he felt that Americans were "too near to Mecca ", and considered this a provocation to the entire Muslim world. troops in Saudi Arabia, september 11th essay likely would not have been able to get people to commit to suicide missions. In the fatwāal-Qaeda identified the Iraq sanctions as a reason to kill Americans, condemning the "protracted blockade" among other actions that constitute a declaration of war against "Allah, his messenger, and Muslims.

InBin Laden claimed that the idea of destroying the towers had first occurred to him inwhen he witnessed Israel's bombardment of high-rise apartment buildings during the Lebanon War. support of Israel was one motive for the attacks. support of Israel, although most of september 11th essay letter expressed bin Laden's disdain for President Bush and bin Laden's hope to "destroy and bankrupt" the U. Other motives have been suggested in addition to those stated by september 11th essay Laden and al-Qaeda.

Some authors suggested the "humiliation" that resulted from the Islamic world falling behind the Western world — this discrepancy was rendered especially visible by globalization [65] [66] and a desire to provoke the U, september 11th essay.

into a broader war against the Islamic world in the hope of motivating more allies to support al-Qaeda. The attacks were conceived by Khalid Sheikh Mohammedseptember 11th essay, who first presented it to Osama bin Laden in In late or earlybin Laden gave approval for Mohammed to go forward with organizing the plot.

Bank Tower in Los Angeles for lack of time. Bin Laden provided leadership and financial support and was involved in september 11th essay participants. Hazmi and Mihdhar arrived in the United States in mid-January In earlyHazmi and Mihdhar took flying lessons in San Diego, California, but both spoke little English; performed poorly in flying lessons; and eventually served as secondary "muscle" hijackers, september 11th essay.

In latea group of men from HamburgGermany, arrived in Afghanistan. The group included Mohamed Atta ; Marwan al-Shehhi ; Ziad Jarrah ; and Ramzi bin al-Shibh. Hanjour arrived in San Diego on December 8,joining Hazmi, september 11th essay.

In the spring ofthe secondary hijackers began arriving in the United States. Bin al-Shibh also passed along bin Laden's wish for the attacks to be carried out as soon as possible. However, Lawrence Wright wrote that the hijackers chose the date when John III Sobieskithe King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuaniaseptember 11th essay, began the battle which turned back the Ottoman Empire's Muslim armies that were attempting to capture Vienna on September 11, DuringVienna was the seat of the Holy Roman Empire and Habsburg Monarchyboth major powers in Europe at the time, september 11th essay.

For Osama bin Laden, this was a date when the West gained some dominance over Islam, and september 11th essay attacking on this date, he hoped to make a step in Islam "winning" the war for worldwide power and influence.

In lateal-Qaeda associate Walid bin Attash "Khallad" contacted Mihdhar, telling him to meet him in Kuala LumpurMalaysia; Hazmi and Abu Bara al Yemeni would also be in attendance.

Blindspot: The Road to 9/11

, time: 41:46

The September 11th Attack on the Pentagon

september 11th essay

Sep 23,  · BOSTON, MASS. – OneUnited Bank, the largest Black-owned bank in the U.S., is proud to announce the winners of its 11th annual “I Got Bank! Youth Essay & Art Contest.” Each of the ten (10) youth winners is awarded a $1, savings account. The winners are Use this 'Writing Prompt: September 11th Heroes (elem/upper elem)' printable worksheet in the classroom or at home. Your students will love this 'Writing Prompt: September 11th Heroes (elem/upper elem)'. "There were many heroes during the September 11th tragedy. Write about a hero or a heroic event that made an impression on you." Sep 11,  · In today’s feature, Andrew Bieszad teaches us about the importance of the Battle of Vienna — which took place on September , — as a day of remembrance and even revenge for Muslims with a long view of history.. But September 11th has been significant at least three other times in the conflict between Islam and the Christian West. Here are the top three dates and events to

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