Thursday, October 7, 2021

Doctoral dissertation enhancement projects

Doctoral dissertation enhancement projects

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Connections Between the Enneagram Personality Type of Christian University Presidents and Provosts with Student EnrollmentPamela J. Military Discipleship: A Strategy for Discipleship in the U. Military Community in the Republic of KoreaTheodore Danecki. Work-Life Balance: A Transcendental Phenomenological Study on Female Assistant Principals' ApproachesFelicia Daniels-Colbert. The Importance of Strategic Communication for Building Employee Resource Groups in AviationLynnette Darnell.

The Impact of People of the Dream Applied to Kingdom Authority Christian Center Lay Workers Church Plant: Doctoral dissertation enhancement projects Mixed Methods ApproachKenneth Kief Davis. Minority Adolescents and School Referral: the Importance of School Counselors and the Referral SystemSamantha Jo Davis. Disaster Preparedness Plan for Cascade Hills Church, Columbus, GeorgiaKenneth Durell Dawson.

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From Spectator to Servant: Addressing the Heart of the Christian for Service Within the Church Based Upon Ephesians and Biblical Principles of ServanthoodDavid Warren Di Raddo. Micro-Kingdom: A Theological and Missiological Apologetic for the Microchurch Model as an Effective and Faithful New Testament Expression of the Kingdom Of GodDonald Clayton Dodge. Assessing Well-being in a Pastoral Counseling ProgramNeil B.

A Study of a Systematic Evangelistic Discipleship Process at the Lighthouse Free Methodist Churchdoctoral dissertation enhancement projects, Thomas Michael Doherty. High School Teachers' Perceptions of Student Cell Phone Use in the Classroom: A Case StudySummer Dawn DuPont. Developing the Practice of Biblical Mentoring Through Expository Preaching at Kepler Road Baptist ChurchJerry L.

A Separate Asset Class for CryptocurrencyWayne Allen Durr. An Instrumental Case Study of the Student Perspective of a Smart Phone Meditation Doctoral dissertation enhancement projects In Rural VirginiaJames Allen Eggleston. A Collective Case Study of Middle School Teachers' Experiences Using Chromebooks Instead of Textbooks in the ClassroomHolly Diane Eimer.

The Pastoral Leadership Crisis In Baptist Churches in TogoKossi M. Training Lay Preachers to Preach Expository Sermons in the Wesleyan Church in the Amazon District of Brazildoctoral dissertation enhancement projects, Grace Ury Ensz. Life in the Army: A Case Study of Junior-Enlisted Soldiers and their Families with Deployment Resources and ExperiencesDavid Estrada. Reincorporating Senior Adults into the Life of a Local ChurchJoe Lloyd Evans.

An Exploration of Internal Control Deficiencies and their Impact on Fraud in Local Churches in NigeriaSamuel Eze. A Framework for Utilizing Narrative Theory and Life Review in Healthcare ChaplaincyJoshua Doctoral dissertation enhancement projects. Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Type 2 Diabetes and Hemoglobin Doctoral dissertation enhancement projects An Integrative ReviewKimberly Dawn Fairchild. The Perceived Effect of Promoting a Sense of Community in Online Doctoral Courses through Intentional Course DesignLucas Austin Farmer.

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Examining the Role of Self-Compassion in Resilience Among African American Women: A Qualitative PerspectiveVivian W. Evolutionary Debunking Arguments and Theism: How Moral Knowledge Points to the Existence of GodJohn Roland Fraser. The Underrepresentation of Minority Women in Senior-Level Positions Employed by the Federal GovernmentAmy M. Solving the Problem of the Transferability of Response to Intervention skills to the General Education Setting: An Applied Approach StudyApril Renee Freeney.

A Phenomenological Study of the Experiences of Principals Who Implemented a Schoolwide-Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports FrameworkJohn P. Investigating the Predictive Relationship between Sportsmanship and Class, doctoral dissertation enhancement projects, Age, Type of Sport, and Gender at the United States Military AcademyDaniel J.

Old Testament Principles for Worship: Doctoral dissertation enhancement projects Practices Applied to Modern-Day Worship in the Evangelical Church from the Life of AbrahamCameron Scott Gaddy. Fostering a Renewed Sense of Hope Among Human Trafficking Victims in the Philippines Though a Group Bible Study InitiativeEmily Garcia. A Class of Their Own: A Correlational Study on Household Composition, Chronic Absenteeism, and Graduation among African American MalesMelissa E.

The New Lease Accounting Standards Topic : An Empirical Analysis of Its Impacts on Key Financial Performance MetricsYan Shi Gibson. Language Development in Toddlers: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Nursery Rhyme use by Mothers with Their ToddlersWenonah Faye Gildon, doctoral dissertation enhancement projects. StateLaronica Deniece Gilmore.

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Teacher Perspectives of Factors That Cause High School Dropout Rates For Latino Students: A Case StudyIsis Yahaira Gonzalez. Soteriology: Using The Classroom To Develop A Theology Of The GospelCharles R. A Comparative Analysis of Self-Efficacy among Varying Groups of Coaching Experience of Teachers in Northern Middle TennesseeRyan Matthew Goostree. Instructional Coaches' Perceptions of Doctoral dissertation enhancement projects and Teacher Self-Efficacy across Content Areas in a K Doctoral dissertation enhancement projectsWhitney Brooke Goostree.

Improving Students' K-PREP Reading Scores by Investigating the Reading Culture at Harrison Independent SchoolRebecca Anne Grace. Ethical Decision Making in Nursing Practice: The Impact on Moral DistressAnthony W. Can Telling a Shame-Evoking Story in an Online Format Reduce Shame Experienced?

The Traditional Student Myth: A Multiple Case Study on the Experiences of Traditional Students with Nontraditional Student CharacteristicsStephani L. A Case Study Exploring Student-Teacher Relationships Two Years Later in the Aftermath of a School Shooting in a Rural South-Central United States SchoolLee Joseph Guidry Jr. Understanding and Equipping Female Leadership at Prosperous Temple Church of God in ChristJonathan R. An Applied Research Study on Improving Parental Involvement at a School in Southeastern North CarolinaJacqueline Susan Hahn.

The Recount: Black Men's Experiences of Predominantly White Institution Undergraduate STEM Programs in the United StatesJames Hairston. The Responsibility of Christian Church Pastors to Include Homelessness Awareness in Ministry OutreachJoy Nicole Hale. The Impact of Teacher Training on ADHD: Assessing Classroom Interventions and Teacher's Self-EfficacyCheryl Young Hamilton. The Effects of Technology Integration On AVID Students Compared to Other Middle School StudentsKathy Veronica Hardy.

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High School Teachers' Experiences in Addressing the Challenges of Written Expression among Students with Autism Spectrum Disorderdoctoral dissertation enhancement projects, Kevin James Hasinger. Preaching to Millennials: A Content Analysis of Preachers' Communication as It Relates to Millennial CongregantsMatthew Joel Hastings. Prevalence of Cyberbullying among Traditional Undergraduate Students Attending Faith-Based Universities: A Causal-Comparative StudySusan Alice Hayes-McElroy.

Educators on the Move: An Applied Study of Literature-based Solutions for Teacher Migration within an Exclusive Urban School DistrictStephanie Burton Haynsworth.

Teacher Attitudes Toward Personalized Learning PlansMicah R. Development of Spiritual Competency in Counseling: A Pilot Research Study of Graduate Students at End of TrainingRebecca Dawn Hill, doctoral dissertation enhancement projects.

Understanding and Managing Conflict in Leadership Teams within the African-American ChurchDamian Alexander Hinton. Becoming Fitly Joined Together: Unifying the Church Body for Vision ManifestationKeisha Hodge. Integration Resistance in the Acquisition of Nashville Publishing Companies by International FirmsDan Galen Hodges Jr. The Examination of Grit in Southern Baptist Lead Pastors in AlabamaKyle Bradley Hodges, doctoral dissertation enhancement projects.

A Predictive Correlation Study Examining Persistence In A Virginia Community College Based On Veteran Status, doctoral dissertation enhancement projects, Demographics, And Completion of Developmental CourseworkTakesha A. A Strategy for Developing Emotionally Healthy Chaplains in The United States Army ReserveRicardo Hosein. Impacts of Network Training on Church RevitalizationTimothy Alan Houston. Associate Engagement, Customer Satisfaction, and the Impact on the Shopping ExperienceDeborah J.

Sons of Nehemiah: Raising the Level of Leadership in Ten Pastor Revitalizers of the Montgomery Baptist AssociationDonald Neal Hughes, doctoral dissertation enhancement projects. Identifying Teacher and Parental Communication Methods That Could Impact Elementary School Educational OutcomesErin Kathleen Hughes. Understanding the High Attrition Rates of Male Collegiate Basketball Student-AthletesLandon P.

Virtual School Counseling Amid the COVID PandemicTawonda Maria Hunter. Chaplain Leadership: The Absence of Spiritual Leadership at Winston -Salem State University for Spiritual AdvocacyLeroy H. Izzard III. Connecting Healthcare — Leveraging Technology to Promote Value-Based Care in the Emergency DepartmentAhnna Michelle Jackson. A Phenomenological Study of How English Teachers' Beliefs Affect Their Grammar InstructionAthena Pualeilani Jackson. The Impact of Leadership Development and Psychological Capital on Burnout and TurnoverMichelle Jacobs.

Traditional and Nontraditional Leadership in Higher Education: A Qualitative Case StudyJihna Racquel Jenkins. The Way We See Matters: Developing a New Theological Vision for Effective Cross-generational Evangelismdoctoral dissertation enhancement projects, Michelle Naomi Jeremie.

Enhancing Church Health through Sermon PreparationJames A. Johnson Jr. The Underlying Implications of Chronic Poverty: Investigating the Exponential Increase in Suicides From Among African American Female TeenagersKevin Adarell Johnson.

Continuous Enrollment Experiences of Nontraditional Career and Technical Education Students at the Community CollegeNaTunya Johnson. Analyzing the Relationship Between Breastfeeding and Postpartum Depression: An Integrative ReviewSarah K.

A Phenomenological Study: The Experiences of Homeschool Students Who Persisted in College at a Faith-Based InstitutionVenda Kaye Johnson. Sergeants Major Course Instructor Self-Efficacy Across the Departments at the United States Army Sergeants Major AcademyAnson Cordell Jordan Sr.

Tip #1: How to Craft a Doctoral Dissertation, PhD Research or Graduate Thesis: Chap 1: Introduction

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