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Automated language essay scoring systems: a literature review
Assessment in the Education system plays a significant role in judging student performance. The present evaluation system is through human assessment. As the number of teachers' student ratio is gradually increasing, the manual evaluation process becomes complicated.
The drawback of manual evaluation is that it is time-consuming, lacks reliability, and many more. This connection online examination system evolved as an alternative tool for pen and paper-based methods. Present Computer-based evaluation buy automated essay scoring machine works only for multiple-choice questions, but there is no proper evaluation system for grading essays and short answers.
Many researchers are working on automated essay grading and short answer scoring for the last few decades, but assessing an essay by considering all parameters like the relevance of the buy automated essay scoring machine to the prompt, buy automated essay scoring machine, development of ideas, Cohesion, and Coherence is a big challenge till now. Few researchers focused on Content-based evaluation, while many of them addressed style-based assessment.
This paper provides a systematic literature review on automated essay scoring systems. We studied the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques used to evaluate automatic essay scoring and analyzed the limitations of the current studies and research trends. We observed that the essay evaluation is not done based on the relevance of the content and coherence. Due to COVID 19 outbreak, an online educational system has become inevitable.
In the present scenario, almost all the educational institutions ranging from schools to colleges adapt the online education system.
The assessment plays a significant role in measuring the learning ability of the student. Most automated evaluation is available for multiple-choice questions, but assessing short and essay answers remain a challenge. The education system is changing its shift to online-mode, like conducting computer-based exams and automatic evaluation.
It is a crucial application related to the education domain, which uses natural language processing NLP and Machine Learning techniques. The evaluation of essays is impossible with simple programming languages and simple techniques like pattern matching and language processing. Here the problem is for a single question, we will get more responses from students with a different explanation.
So, we need to evaluate all the answers concerning the question. Automated essay scoring AES is a computer-based assessment system that automatically scores or grades the student responses by considering appropriate features. The AES research started in with the Project Essay Grader PEG by Ajay et al. PEG evaluates the writing characteristics such as grammar, diction, construction, etc. A modified version of the PEG by Shermis et al.
Foltz et al. Powers et al. The vast majority of the essay scoring systems in the s followed traditional approaches like pattern matching and a statistical-based approach.
Since the last decade, the essay grading systems started using regression-based and natural language processing techniques. AES systems like Dong et al. Ohio, Utah, and most US states are using AES systems in school education, like Utah compose tool, Ohio standardized test an updated version of PEG buy automated essay scoring machine, evaluating millions of student's responses every year. These systems work for both formative, summative assessments and give feedback to students on the essay.
Utah provided basic essay evaluation rubrics six characteristics of essay writing : Development of ideas, organization, style, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions. Educational Testing Service ETS has been conducting significant research on AES for more than a decade and designed an algorithm to evaluate essays on different domains and providing an opportunity for test-takers to improve their writing skills.
In addition, they are current research content-based evaluation. The evaluation of essay and short answer scoring should consider the relevance of the content to the prompt, development of ideas, Cohesion, Coherence, buy automated essay scoring machine, and domain knowledge.
Proper assessment of the parameters mentioned above defines the accuracy of the evaluation system. But all these parameters cannot play an equal role in essay scoring and short answer scoring.
In a short answer evaluation, domain knowledge is required, like the meaning of "cell" in physics and biology is different. And while evaluating essays, the implementation of ideas with respect to prompt is required.
The system should also assess the completeness of the responses and provide feedback. Several studies examined AES systems, from the initial to the latest AES systems.
In which the following studies on AES systems are Blood provided a literature review from PEG — Which has covered only generalized parts of AES systems like ethical aspects, the performance of the systems. Burrows et al. They have buy automated essay scoring machine covered feature extraction techniques and challenges in features extractions. Covered only Machine Learning models but not buy automated essay scoring machine detail, buy automated essay scoring machine.
This system not covered the comparative analysis of AES systems like feature extraction, model building, and level of relevance, cohesion, and coherence not covered in this review, buy automated essay scoring machine. Ke et al. On the other hand, Hussein et al. in studied two categories of AES systems, four papers from handcrafted features for AES systems, and four papers from the neural networks approach, discussed few challenges, and did not cover feature extraction techniques, buy automated essay scoring machine, the performance of AES models in detail.
Klebanov et al. Reviewed 50 years of AES systems, listed and categorized all essential features that need to be extracted from essays. But not provided a comparative analysis of all work and not discussed the challenges. This paper aims to provide a systematic literature review SLR on automated essay grading systems.
An SLR is an Evidence-based systematic review to summarize the existing research. It critically evaluates and integrates all relevant studies' findings and addresses the research domain's specific research questions. Our research methodology uses guidelines given by Kitchenham et al.
We addressed our research method, research questions, and the selection process in Sect. And the synthesis of all the research questions addressed in Sect. Conclusion and possible future work discussed in Sect. To collect and provide research evidence from the available studies in the domain of automated essay grading, we framed the following research questions RQ :. The answer to the question can provide a list of the available datasets, their domain, and access to the datasets. It also provides a number of essays and corresponding prompts.
The answer to the question can provide an insight into various features so far extracted, and the libraries used to extract those features. The answer will provide different evaluation metrics for accurate measurement of each Machine Learning approach and commonly used measurement technique. RQ4 What are the Machine Learning techniques used for automatic essay grading, and how are they implemented?
It can provide insights into various Machine Learning techniques like regression models, classification models, and neural networks for implementing essay grading systems. The response to the question can give us different assessment approaches for automated essay grading systems.
The answer to the question provides limitations of existing research approaches buy automated essay scoring machine cohesion, coherence, completeness, and feedback. We conducted an automated search on well-known computer science repositories like ACL, ACM, IEEE Explore, Springer, and Science Direct for an SLR.
We referred to papers published from to as much of the work during these years focused on advanced technologies like deep learning and natural language processing for automated essay grading systems, buy automated essay scoring machine. Also, the availability of free data sets like KaggleCambridge Learner Corpus-First Certificate in English exam CLC-FCE by Yannakoudakis et al.
After collecting all relevant documents from the repositories, we prepared selection criteria for inclusion and exclusion of documents. With the inclusion and exclusion criteria, it becomes more feasible for the research to be accurate and specific. Inclusion criteria 1 Our approach is to work with datasets comprise of essays written in English. We excluded the essays written in other languages. Inclusion criteria 2 We included the papers implemented on the AI approach and excluded the traditional methods for the review.
Inclusion criteria 3 The study is on essay scoring systems, so we exclusively included the research carried out on only text data sets rather than other datasets like image or speech.
Exclusion criteria We removed the papers in the form of review papers, survey papers, and state of the art papers. In addition to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we assessed each paper by quality assessment questions to ensure the article's quality, buy automated essay scoring machine.
We included the documents that have clearly explained the approach they used, the result analysis and validation. The quality checklist questions are framed based on the guidelines from Kitchenham et al. Each quality assessment question was graded as either 1 or 0. The final score of the study range from 0 to 3.
A cut off score for excluding a study from the review is 2 points. Since the papers scored 2 or 3 points are included in the final evaluation.
We framed the following quality assessment questions for the buy automated essay scoring machine study. The two reviewers review each paper to select the final list of documents. We used the Quadratic Weighted Kappa score to measure the final agreement between the two reviewers.
The average resulted from the kappa score is 0. The result of evolution criteria shown in Table 1. After Quality Assessment, the final list of papers for review is shown in Table 2. The complete selection process is shown in Fig. The total number of selected papers in year wise as shown in Fig.
To work with problem statement especially in Machine Learning and deep learning domain, we require considerable amount of data to train the models. To answer this question, we listed all the data sets used for training and testing for automated essay grading systems. The Cambridge Learner Corpus-First Certificate in English exam CLC-FCE Yannakoudakis et al. This corpus evaluates whether a student can write the relevant English sentences without any grammatical and spelling mistakes.
This type of corpus helps to test the models built for GRE and TOFEL type of exams.
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